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Débugue tes humanités ! (Debug Your Humanities!) – Season 4

October 10, 2023 - March 26, 2024
Giulia Ferretti and Louis-Olivier Brassard host the third season of the « Débugue tes humanités ! » (Debug Your Humanities!) workshops, designed for humanities scholars. In person at the Bibliothèque des lettr

Calendar Days September 28, 2023
Calendar Days June 05, 2023

Acfas Congress 2023

May 8-10, 2023
Marcello Vitali-Rosati gives a talk and releases the collective work “Les éditions critiques numériques : entre tradition et changement de paradigmes“ he has co-edited with Robert Alessi at the 2023 Acfas Congress; Emmanuelle Le
Calendar Days May 02, 2023
Our research fidlds
Champ de recherche


What is a medium? What are the relationships between media? Can the web be considered a medium? The Canada Research Chair is developing an intermedial approach for addressing these questions, all while challenging the traditional definitions of terms such as “media,” “mediation,” etc., in order to avoid adopting an essentialist perspective. One of the key concepts of this line of thought is that of “mediating conjunctures.”

Champ de recherche


The web resembles a giant repository of published content. Indeed, everything on the web is published, from blog posts to restaurants on TripAdvisor and apartments on AirBNB. In light of this, it has become essential to reflect on publishing as a way of understanding the architecture of digital space. The Canada Research Chair is working on developing the concept of editorialization in order to better understand this “published” world.
Champ de recherche


Our culture is deeply affected by digital praxis: the way we perceive space, time, relationships between public and private spheres, our identity and our privacy are undergoing intense structural changes. The entirety of our lives, our worldviews and our values are being altered. Literature has also experienced this metamorphosis in terms of its boundaries, styles and structures, as well as with its cultural, social and political functions. Digital praxis has an impact on both hypermedia literary forms and print literature. The Canada Research Chair is less focused on digital literature itself, and more on literature in the digital era. This perspective involves understanding how our culture is being globally affected through the analysis of recent changes in every aspect of literature in the digital age (for example, the concepts of the author, the literary work, as well as the notions text and fiction).
Champ de recherche


If the advent of the digital, of new technologies and of new media has engendered a wide reflection in all areas of the humanities and social sciences, philosophical reflection seems to have lost some momentum, with some exceptions. The Canada Research Chair in Digital Textualities aims to mobilize the analytical tools, methodologies and concepts of philosophical thought in order to contribute to understandings of contemporary issues.
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  "site_description": "We are now living in a digital space. This space is made of writing.",
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  "site_phone": "(+1) 514 343 5665",
  "site_rights": "&copy; 2024 Canada Research Chair in Digital Textualities. Some rights reserved.",
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      "label": "Sens public",
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      "label": "Revue 2.0",
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  "site_long_description": "We are now living in a digital space. This space is made of writing. Our identities are writing – profiles, databases' entries, lines of code –, our actions are writing – from clicks to buying a book or planning a trip – the objects around us are made of writing. The Canada Research Chair on Digital Textualites aims to offer a new reading and a new understanding of this writing that now makes our world. On this site you will find all the projects led by Marcello Vitali-Rosati and his team, the publications of the Chair members and the description of all the theoretical concepts used for our research. ",
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      "slug": "journal-20",
      "id": 272,
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      "title": "Journal 2.0",
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      "description": "Reinventing humanities scholarly journals in the digital era.",
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      "legacy_slug": "Journal-twozero",
      "content_html": "<div class=\"infoArticle\">\r\n<h3>Project leader: <a href=\"\">Marcello Vitali-Rosati</a></h3>\r\n<h3>Project coordinator: <a href=\"\">Antoine Fauchié</a></h3>\r\n<h3>Team: <a href=\"\">Emmanuel Chateau-Dutier</a>, <a href=\"\">Eugénie Matthey</a>, <a href=\"\">Margot Mellet</a>, <a href=\"\">Servanne Monjour</a>, <a href=\"\">Nicolas Sauret</a>, <a href=\"\">Michael E. Sinatra</a></h3> \r\n<h3>Project website: <a href=\"\"></a></h3>\r\n<h3>Project founded by <a href=\"\">CRSH</a></h3>\r\n<h3>External ressources</h3>\r\n<p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><a href=\"\">Publications and communications</a></li>\r\n<li>Project Wiki (<a href=\"\">access on request</a>)</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n</p>\r\n</div>\r\n<div class=\"resumeArticle\"><p>\r\nThis project aims to help researchers and practitioners of scholarly journals in the social sciences and humanities work through the digital transition by harnessing the full potential of new technologies. <a href=\"\"> <img src=\"\" alt=\"Fishbowl\"/></a> </p>\r\n\r\n<p>Indeed, if scholarly journals in the humanities have now (at least almost) completed the transition to digital technology (especially in terms of production and circulation), it is clear that they are still far from fully exploiting all the potential of the web. By collaborating with the principal actors of the scientific community (publishers, diffusers, aggregators), this development project aims to better respond to the emerging needs of researchers by rethinking the role of scholars in the digital age. Our goal is twofold. We aim to:</p>\r\n\r\n<p><strong>1) Produce an epistemological model for journals in the digital age.</strong></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Our research will look at the historical mission of scholarly journals, determine how we can respond to this (or these) objective(s), and assess how they have been or are being redefined in the digital age. The challenge relating to the notion of digital transition is not just a technical question: the generalization of free access, for example, is typically the sign of a reassessment of the role and mission of the publisher. By investing, little by little, in the web, the magazine changes the very meaning of the term “publication,” returning to its original meaning: public. How to integrate a journal, a file or even a single article into a digital ecosystem in constant evolution? What should be the editorial tasks today, no longer just considered prior to publication, but once the journal has been published online, in order to join the scholarly communities of the web?</p>\r\n\r\n<p><strong>2) Propose a new editorial model for scholarly journals in the humanities.</strong></p>\r\n\r\n<p>We will look at producing specifications for the various actors of scholarly publishing (publishers, broadcasters, aggregators). Our partners on this project—especially broadcasters and the Aggregator—have made significant efforts to ensure the integration, sustainability and visibility of journals on the web. This project will have to give them additional resources for the creation of tools and protocols better suited to the needs of researchers and publishers.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Our project is the first to unite a number of French-language digital broadcasters, including the two largest <strong><a href=\"\">Érudit</a> and <a href =\"\">OpenEdition</a></strong>, as well as the only aggregator of content in the human sciences, <strong> <a href=\"\">Huma-Num</a></strong>, with a group of scholarly journals ready to engage in experiments to improve their digital transition: <strong> <a href =\"\">French Studies</a></strong>, <strong><a href=\"\">Intermedialities</a> </strong>, <strong><a href=\"\">Book Memories</a></strong>, <strong> <a href=\"https: //\">Itineraries</a></strong>, <strong><a href=\"\">Cybergéo</a></strong>, <strong><a href=\"\">International Review of photolitterature</a></strong>.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>This partnership is supported by a team of researchers who, with complementary skills, are at the cutting edge of scholarly digital publishing (including <a href=\"\">five</a> Canada Research Chairs specializing in digital humanities).</p>\r\n\r\n<p>The project will mobilize skills that are both practical (especially in digital publishing) and theoretical (general epistemologies of the digital humanities, but also notions on the production, validation and dissemination of content). It is essential that our thinking converges with the practices of the publishing industry. This rapprochement will help to anchor theoretical reflection within the complex reality of editorial activities.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>For further information on the project, see the website <a href=\"\"></a></p>\r\n<figure>\r\n<img src=\"\" alt=\"CRSH\" style=\"width:40.0%\" /><figcaption>CRSH</figcaption>\r\n</figure>\r\n</div>",
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      "slug": "stylo",
      "id": 270,
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      "title": "Stylo",
      "links": [
          "label": "Try Stylo",
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      "description": "As an editor for WYSIWYM text, Stylo is designed to change the entire digital editorial chain of scholarly journals the field of human sciences. The project is carried out in partnership with Érudit.",
      "feature_image": null,
      "legacy_slug": "Stylo",
      "content_html": "<div class=\"infoArticle\">\r\n<h3>Project leader: <a href=\"\">Marcello Vitali-Rosati</a></h3>\r\n<h3>Project coordinator: <a href=\"\">Antoine Fauchié</a></h3>\r\n<h3>Team:<a href=\"\">Arthur Juchereau</a> (<a href=\"\">PiNinja</a>), <a href=\"\">Margot Mellet</a>, <a href=\"\">Servanne Monjour</a>, <a href=\"\">Nicolas Sauret</a></h3>\r\n<h3>Project website: <a href=\"\"></a></h3>\r\n<h3>Project documentation</h3>\r\n<p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><a href=\"!\">Stylo-Documentation</a></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n</p>\r\n<h3>External resources</h3>\r\n<p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><a href=\"\">Source (github)</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"!pages/\">Publications et communications</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"\">Demo (youtube)</a></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<h3 id=\"projet-financé-par-érudit\">Project funded by <a href=\"\">Érudit</a></h3>\r\n</p>\r\n</div>\r\n<div class=\"resumeArticle\">\r\n\r\n<p>Stylo is designed to simplify the writing and editing of scientific articles in the humanities and social sciences.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>It is intended for authors and publishers engaged in high quality scientific publishing.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Although the structuring of documents is fundamental for digital distribution, this aspect is currently delayed until the end of the editorial process. This task should, however, be undertaken early on in the process; it must be considered by the author himself. The philosophy behind Stylo consists in returning the task of managing the publication markup to researchers. This repositioning of tasks relating to the editorial process relies on the author’s semantic rather than graphic skills.</p>\r\n\r\n<figure>\r\n<img src=\"\" alt=\"brushes\" /><figcaption>brushes</figcaption>\r\n</figure>\r\n\r\n<p>Stylo’s work environment integrates a complete editorial chain based on pandoc, equipped with the following modules:</p>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><strong>a metadata editor</strong></li>\r\n<li><strong>a version manager</strong></li>\r\n<li><strong>a bibliography manager </strong></li>\r\n<li><strong>different export formats</strong>: HTML5, ODT, DOCX, EPUB, XML (TEI, ArtiudArticle), PDF, ICML, ... </li>\r\n<li><strong>an annotation tool </strong><a href=\"\"> </a>)</li>\r\n<li><strong>sharing documents for a collaborative edition</strong></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\r\nStylo is a project created in partnership with <a href=\"\">Érudit</a>. The pilot project, which targets scholarly journals distributed by Érudit, aims to reduce costs to the editorial chain while producing more relevant information.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>For more information on Stylo, visit <a href=\"\"></a>.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Test Stylo on <a href=\"\"></a>.</p>\r\n\r\n<p><a href=\"\"> <img src=\"\" alt=\"Érudit\" style=\"width:30.0%\"/></a></p>\r\n\r\n</div>\r\n",
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      "slug": "medias",
      "id": 10,
      "research_fields_id": 5,
      "languages_code": "en",
      "title": "Medias",
      "content_html": "<p>What is a medium? What are the relationships between media? Can the web be considered a medium? The Canada Research Chair is developing an intermedial approach for addressing these questions, all while challenging the traditional definitions of terms such as &ldquo;media,&rdquo; &ldquo;mediation,&rdquo; etc., in order to avoid adopting an essentialist perspective. One of the key concepts of this line of thought is that of &ldquo;mediating conjunctures.&rdquo;</p>",
      "feature_image": null,
      "description": "What is a medium? What are the relationships between media? Can the web be considered a medium? The Canada Research Chair is developing an intermedial approach for addressing these questions, all while challenging the traditional definitions…",
      "legacy_slug": "Medias",
      "legacy_image": null
      "slug": "publishing",
      "id": 12,
      "research_fields_id": 6,
      "languages_code": "en",
      "title": "Publishing",
      "content_html": "The web resembles a giant repository of published content. Indeed, everything on the web is published, from blog posts to restaurants on TripAdvisor and apartments on AirBNB. In light of this, it has become essential to reflect on publishing as a way of understanding the architecture of digital space. The Canada Research Chair is working on developing the concept of editorialization in order to better understand this “published” world.",
      "feature_image": null,
      "description": "",
      "legacy_slug": "Publishing",
      "legacy_image": ""
      "slug": "literature",
      "id": 14,
      "research_fields_id": 7,
      "languages_code": "en",
      "title": "Literature",
      "content_html": "Our culture is deeply affected by digital praxis: the way we perceive space, time, relationships between public and private spheres, our identity and our privacy are undergoing intense structural changes. The entirety of our lives, our worldviews and our values are being altered. Literature has also experienced this metamorphosis in terms of its boundaries, styles and structures, as well as with its cultural, social and political functions. Digital praxis has an impact on both hypermedia literary forms and print literature. The Canada Research Chair is less focused on digital literature itself, and more on literature in the digital era. This perspective involves understanding how our culture is being globally affected through the analysis of recent changes in every aspect of literature in the digital age (for example, the concepts of the author, the literary work, as well as the notions text and fiction).",
      "feature_image": null,
      "description": "",
      "legacy_slug": "Literature",
      "legacy_image": ""
      "slug": "philosophy",
      "id": 16,
      "research_fields_id": 8,
      "languages_code": "en",
      "title": "Philosophy",
      "content_html": "If the advent of the digital, of new technologies and of new media has engendered a wide reflection in all areas of the humanities and social sciences, philosophical reflection seems to have lost some momentum, with some exceptions. The Canada Research Chair in Digital Textualities aims to mobilize the analytical tools, methodologies and concepts of philosophical thought in order to contribute to understandings of contemporary issues.",
      "feature_image": null,
      "description": "",
      "legacy_slug": "Philosophy",
      "legacy_image": ""
  "latestEvents": [
      "slug": "debugue-tes-humanites-debug-your-humanities-season-4",
      "date_start": "2023-09-28",
      "date_end": null,
      "time_start": null,
      "time_end": null,
      "event_type": null,
      "id": 1556,
      "events_id": 778,
      "languages_code": "en",
      "title": "Débugue tes humanités ! (Debug Your Humanities!) – Season 4",
      "content_html": "<p>Being a thinker in the humanities and social sciences today means understanding and manipulating digital writing tools. Workshops are needed in educational institutions to equip humanities scholars with digital theories and practices.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>These workshops will take place from October 10 to November 7 2023, then from January 30 to March 26, 2024, every other Tuesday, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. (Montreal time) in room 3091 of the Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines of the Université de Montréal. These workshops are free and open to all, registration <a href=\"\">here</a>). Also online on Jitsi here:</p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Season 4</h3>\r\n<p>SESSION 01 – UNDERSTANDING THE COMPUTER AND THE TERMINAL<br>\r\n2023-10-10<br>\r\nWhere files are on a computer. Terminal.<br></p>\r\n<p>SESSSION 02 – FORMATS<br>\r\n2023-10-24<br>\r\nIntroduction to formats: plain text, Markdown, HTML, XML</p>\r\n<p>SESSION 03 – MARKUP LANGUAGES<br>\r\n2023-11-07<br>\r\nFrom Markdown to HTML and XML. Semantic markup.</p>\r\n<p>SESSION 04 – ADVANCED ZOTERO<br>\r\n2024-01-30<br>\r\nAdvanced functionalities of Zotero.</p>\r\n<p>SESSION 05 – GIT: ARCHIVING AND DATA SHARING<br>\r\n2024-02-13<br>\r\nBasic use of GitHub and versioning.</p>\r\n<p>SESSION 06 – DATA ARCHIVAL<br>\r\n2024-02-27<br>\r\nStoring a webpage locally. Research data preservation.</p>\r\n<p>SESSION 07 – TEXT EDITORS (VSCODE, ZETTLR, STYLO)<br>\r\n2024-03-12<br>\r\nStylo, Zettlr, Pandoc. How to convert files to different formats.</p>\r\n<p>SESSION 08 – DATA STRUCTURE AND ARCHITECTURE<br>\r\n2024-03-26<br>\r\nConverting an Excel table to a .csv file.</p>",
      "links": [
          "label": "Workshop Website",
          "url": ""
      "feature_image": null,
      "description": "<h2>October 10, 2023 - March 26, 2024<br>Giulia Ferretti and Louis-Olivier Brassard host the third season of the « Débugue tes humanités ! » (Debug Your Humanities!) workshops, designed for humanities scholars. In person at the Bibliothèque des lettr",
      "location": null,
      "legacy_image": "",
      "legacy_slug": "Debugue-tes-humanites-Debug-Your-Humanities---Season-for",
      "legacy_location": null
      "slug": "",
      "date_start": "2023-06-05",
      "date_end": null,
      "time_start": null,
      "time_end": null,
      "event_type": null,
      "id": 1548,
      "events_id": 774,
      "languages_code": "en",
      "title": "",
      "content_html": "",
      "links": null,
      "feature_image": null,
      "description": "",
      "location": null,
      "legacy_image": null,
      "legacy_slug": "",
      "legacy_location": null
      "slug": "pistes-de-lecture-conference-cycle-on-imaginative-fiction",
      "date_start": "2023-05-23",
      "date_end": null,
      "time_start": null,
      "time_end": null,
      "event_type": null,
      "id": 1546,
      "events_id": 773,
      "languages_code": "en",
      "title": "“Pistes de lecture”: Conference Cycle on Imaginative Fiction",
      "content_html": "<p>In every talk, a guest opens their personal library, discussing their research, interests, etc.</p>\r\n<p>May 24, 2023 : Fencing and Fantasy with Marie Kergoat</p>\r\n<p>June 7, 2023 : Witches and Social Science Fiction with Jaïlys Duault</p>\r\n<p>June 21, 2023 : Feminism and Fantasy with Manon Berthier</p>\r\n<p>July 5, 2023 : Revolution and Science Fiction with Hugo Orain</p>\r\n<p>July 19, 2023 : Dystopias with Élaine Després</p>\r\n<p>July 27, 2023 : Weird Fiction with Marc Ang-Cho</p>",
      "links": [
          "label": "Twitch Channel",
          "url": ""
      "feature_image": null,
      "description": "May 24-July 26, 2023<br>Emmanuelle Lescouet holds bi-monthly conferences with scholars of imaginative fiction as part of the conference cycle “Pistes de lecture”, Wednesdays from May 24 to July 26, 2023, live on <a href=\"",
      "location": null,
      "legacy_image": "",
      "legacy_slug": "Pistes-de-lecture-Conference-Cycle-on-Imaginative-Fiction",
      "legacy_location": null
      "slug": "habiter-les-formats-decriture-ce-que-pensent-docx-tei-et-ekdosis-inhabiting-writing-formats-what-docx-tei-and-ekdosis-are-thinking",
      "date_start": "2023-05-22",
      "date_end": null,
      "time_start": null,
      "time_end": null,
      "event_type": null,
      "id": 1544,
      "events_id": 772,
      "languages_code": "en",
      "title": "“Habiter les formats d’écriture : ce que pensent docx, TEI et ekdosis” (Inhabiting Writing Formats: What docx, TEI and ekdosis Are Thinking)",
      "content_html": "<p>Marcello Vitali-Rosati reflects upon the relationship between “location“ and ”space” as modified by digital technologies. Slides here:</p>",
      "links": [
          "label": "Conference Webpage",
          "url": ""
      "feature_image": null,
      "description": "May 24, 2023<br>Marcello Vitali-Rosati presents “Habiter les formats d’écriture : ce que pensent docx, TEI et ekdosis” (Inhabiting Writing Formats: What docx, TEI and ekdosis Are Thinking) on May 24, 2023 at 8 a.m. (EST), as part of the “Gouverne",
      "location": null,
      "legacy_image": "",
      "legacy_slug": "Habiter-les-formats-decriture--ce-que-pensent-docx-TEI-et-ekdosis-Inhabiting-Writing-Formats-What-docx-TEI-and-ekdosis-Are-Thinking",
      "legacy_location": null
      "slug": "acfas-congress-2023",
      "date_start": "2023-05-02",
      "date_end": null,
      "time_start": null,
      "time_end": null,
      "event_type": null,
      "id": 1542,
      "events_id": 771,
      "languages_code": "en",
      "title": "Acfas Congress 2023",
      "content_html": "<p>Monday, May 8, 5-6 p.m.: Book release of “Les éditions critiques numériques : entre tradition et changement de paradigmes” (Digital Critical Editions: Between Tradition and Paradigm Change), co-edited by Marcello Vitali-Rosati and Robert Alessi</p>\r\n<p>Tuesday, May 9, 2:45-4:45 p.m.: “Modéliser l'intelligence, modéliser l'humain : de Tesler à chatGPT” (Modelling Intelligence, Modelling Humans: From Tesler to ChatGPT) by Marcello Vitali-Rosati, fourth session of the “Approches numériques en histoire de la culture au Québec” (Digital Approaches in Quebec Cultural History) conference</p>\r\n<p>Wednesday, May 10, 2:30-4 p.m.: “De la littérature numérique aux narrations vidéoludiques” (From Digital Literature to Video Game Narrations) by Emmanuelle Lescouet, fourth session of the “Éclatement des formes, des théories et des pratiques didactiques de la littérature sous l’impact du numérique” (Busting of Literary Forms, Theories and Didactic Practices from Digital Impact) colloquium</p>\r\n<p>Wednesday, May 10, 6-7 p.m.: Workshop “Exploration de narrations vidéoludiques” (Video Game Narrative Exploration) by Emmanuelle Lescouet and Amélie Vallières</p>",
      "links": [
          "label": "Full Program",
          "url": ""
      "feature_image": null,
      "description": "May 8-10, 2023<br>Marcello Vitali-Rosati gives a talk and releases the collective work “Les éditions critiques numériques : entre tradition et changement de paradigmes“ he has co-edited with Robert Alessi at the 2023 Acfas Congress; Emmanuelle Le",
      "location": null,
      "legacy_image": "",
      "legacy_slug": "Acfas-Congress-twozerotwothree",
      "legacy_location": null